| LinkedIn Network Updates, Jun 18 - Jun 25 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Marjon Parham Working the marketing/promotions of the Fruitvale Station screening...great movie! (@ Carolina Mall Cinema) http://ow.ly/1Y0qxW | | | Chris Slatton 10 Questions to Ask When Pricing Your Product - Read our guide to figuring out what you should be charging for your products and services. http://ow.ly/2xPG5E | | | Matthew Brower Tonight on The Matthew Brower Show co host Chris Miller and I will be talking NSA, arming Syrian rebels, Obama saying the NSA is "transparent", Boys using girls lockerooms in California coming soon, more money trying to find Jimmy Hoffa's body, Muslim Cleric gets 11 years for buring Bible, White House threatens to veto Farm Bill, and your calls at 646-652-2089 to share your thoughts on the topics on the show tonight. The show starts at 9:30 PM ET and 5:30 PM PT. The link to the show can be heard on smart phones, tablets, and PC. Click to listen at http://tobtr.com/s/4913081 | | | The Matthew Brower Show with Chris Miller The Matthew Brower Show is live this week Monday through Friday at 9:30 pm ET until 10:30 pm ET and check out the extended show! If the show goes over catch the podcast at the website or on iTunes at... | | | | | | | |