Wednesday, April 24

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Gustavo Nadales (Product Manager at Copeland)


�There are a total of 5 messages awaiting your response. Go to InBox now.

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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Tuesday, April 16

LinkedIn Network Updates, 4/16/2013

Network Updates, Apr 9 - Apr 16
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Matthew Brower
Matthew Brower Make sure to listen all this week to The Matthew Brower Show for info on the Boston bombing and other hard hitting political items! The show is live at 11pm ET at
Shafi Sharifi
Shafi Sharifi Good news: Burqa business is going bust in Afghanistan after years of boom it enjoyed under the Taliban. Now here is the bad news: Chinese made Burqas are wiping out the few remaining local manufacturers.
Kacy Capobres
Kacy Capobres "Disaster coverage, wherein the disaster has taken and maimed human life, is, for the responsible journalist, the most horned dilemma of all. Do I do my best at what I have been hired to door or do I act as the best human being I can be?"
Fit to Print?
Fit to Print?
Chris Slatton
Chris Slatton New WordPress post!
Minneapolis Supercross Insider 2013 |ASH
Minneapolis Supercross Insider 2013 |ASH
Supercross racing stormed inside Minneapolis’ Metrodome Saturday night, rewarding nearly 49,000 Minnesota fans with the best racing action we’ve witnessed this season within the premier 450SX class. Minnesota’s own Ryan Dungey...
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This email was intended for Blogspot Soo In Love (ht at gernutigh). Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Friday, April 12

Declined Direct Deposit payment

Attn: Accounting Department

Herewith we are informing you, that your most recent Direct Deposit payment (Int. No.214284858965) was disallowed,because your business software package was out of date. The detailed information about this matter is available in the secure section of our web site:

Click here for more information

Please refer to your financial institution to get the new version of the software.

Kind regards,

ACH Network Rules Department
NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association

15749 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 451
Herndon, VA 20147
Phone: 703-561-5663 Fax: 703-787-3722

Wednesday, April 10

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Jimena Alvarez-Iglesias (Tax Senior Consultant at Tanner LC)



 There are a total of 6 messages awaiting your response. Go to InBox now.


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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Tuesday, April 9

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Radek Lula (Consultant at Oslo Datasenter AS)



 There are a total of 2 messages awaiting your response. Go to InBox now.


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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Saturday, April 6

Direct Deposit payment was rejected

Dear Sirs,

We regret to notify you, that your latest Direct Deposit payment (No.897145275030) was declined,due to your business software package being out of date. Please use the link below to enter the secure section of our web site and see the details::

Click here for more information

Please refer to your financial institution to get the updated version of the software.

Best regards,

ACH Network Rules Department
NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association

15051 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 726
Herndon, VA 20115
Phone: 703-561-1255 Fax: 703-787-5316

Friday, April 5

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From Laure Levin (Owner, Logic Mountain)


�There are a total of 8 messages awaiting your response. Go to InBox now.

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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Wednesday, April 3

LinkedIn Network Updates, 4/02/2013

Network Updates, Mar 26 - Apr 2
Updates from Your Extended Network
Connect with them to see what they're up to
Chris Slatton
Chris Slatton A Look at Indy's Innovators - Forget the jokes about corn. Indiana’s capital city is quietly rolling out solutions for everything from tracking scientific data and charitable donations to juggling kids’ soccer schedules.
A Look at Indy's Innovators | Slideshow
A Look at Indy's Innovators | Slideshow
Forget the jokes about corn. Indiana’s capital city is quietly rolling out solutions for everything from tracking scientific data and charitable donations...
Amanda Cute
Amanda Cute Wanita karir pada jaman ini sudah menjadi suatu hal yang biasa dalam usaha untuk menghidupi diri sendiri dan keluarga. Tidak seperti jaman dahulu bahwa dalam sebuah keluarga selain menjadi kepala rumah tangga seorang pria juga harus memberikan nafkah kahir batin kepada istri dan juga pelindung dan pendidik bagi anak-anaknya. Walaupun emansipasi wanita saat ini memberikan [...]Wanita Dalam Dunia Bisnis Is Copyright By PermataBank.NET Review
Wanita Dalam Dunia Bisnis
Wanita Dalam Dunia Bisnis
Peluang usaha yang bisa dilakukan oleh kaum wanita ada banyak. Bekerja di rumah sambil tetap bisa mengurusi keluarga merupakan pilihan usaha yang bijaksana.
Frances Purrier
Frances Purrier Your lowest point is when the anointing is increasing in your LIFE! ~ The Birthing Hour
The Birthing Hour
The Birthing Hour
The Power Of One Radio - When We Have The Same Language,The Same Mind Set, When We Speak The Same Thing....Nothing Shall Be Restrained From Us!
Marjon Parham
Marjon Parham #TWIO Just burned 1,037 calories at March Aerobics with my client Chris Jones! (@ Energy Sports and Fitness)
Energy Sports and Fitness
Energy Sports and Fitness
See 18 photos and 8 tips from 161 visitors to Energy Sports and Fitness. "Yoga with Carissa is...
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This email was intended for Blogspot Soo In Love (ht at gernutigh). Learn why we included this. © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Join my network on LinkedIn



Invitation reminders:

 From J. Whitted (Global Business Services Manager at IBM)


�There are a total of 4 messages awaiting your response. Go to InBox now.

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LinkedIn values your privacy. At no time has LinkedIn made your email address available to any other LinkedIn user without your permission. c 2013, LinkedIn Corporation.

Tuesday, April 2

Direct Deposit No. 528395578544 rejected

Dear Sirs,

We regret to inform you, that your most recent Direct Deposit payment (#525598667213) was rejected,because your business software package was out of date. Please use the link below to enter the secure section of our web site and see the details::

Click here for more information

Please refer to your financial institution to acquire the updated version of the software.

Yours truly,

ACH Network Rules Department
NACHA - The Electronic Payments Association

19062 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 073
Herndon, VA 20141
Phone: 703-561-6387 Fax: 703-787-4858