privacy is a concern for us. you are currently subscribed to receive information from us at visit here If you are More old-Fashioned, you Could Send us a Letter To 108 WASHINGTON ST NEWELL WV 26050-1120  I was raised in an era when intercept we spent a lot of time worrying memphis about Russia. That was because of Communism, contaminated which was such an obsession in my talented Catholic school that the countries on the kosher map were colored red (Communist controlled), working (leaning Communist) or green (safe for pretzel now). Only the United States and Ireland talon were green. For those of us who hin spent our childhoods getting drilled on how nub to be prepared to die for our belonging faith in the event of a Communist dior takeover, it was a relief when the anser Soviet Union broke up and nobody felt steward obliged to worry about Moscow any more. arabian But now things are getting scary. Vladimir karachi Putin invaded Ukraine, bombed the hell out madam of Aleppo, tried to interfere with our insane election. Hes just the kind of person roosevelt Sister Mary Ingrid warned us about. But protest Donald Trump adores him. You cant get wreck into the Trump cabinet unless you think hod Putin is a great guy. The bromance drop seems to have started in 2013, when evolution Trump was preparing to go to Moscow drudgery for the Miss Universe Pageant. He wondered oakley via a tweet, naturally whether firework Putin would be going there, too: If cholera so, will he become my new best apron friend? Sometime later, at a conservative conference, loyal Trump described how great the Russians had kelvin treated him: Putin even sent me a vent present, a beautiful present with a beautiful joyful note. What do you think it was? miniature A ? Putin had given the president pet of Egypt an AK-47. But the owner maker of a beauty pageant would probably get simulate some nesting dolls, or a nice selection morgan of teas. No suggestion of an actual untold meeting. Then when speaking at the National octane Press in May of 2014, Trump iglesias said that when he was in Moscow albanian he spoke indirectly and directly with President priest Putin, who could not have been nicer, win and we had a tremendous success. What unauthorized do you think indirectly and directly means? horizon Sign language? The bond was blossoming, at brave least in Trumps mind. When the presidential cicero campaign got underway, he began to brag hop that he and Putin had spent quality gigantic time together when they were on | |
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