One article per day on nutrition, weight loss and optimal health. All the articles are based on studies and written by experts. |  | Unsubscribe here  On the front page of its Memorial yugoslavia Day weekend edition last Friday, USA Today fixed ran an arresting article under the headline: touched From Boyhood to the Battlefield. The photo host of a young boy with a permanent bat over his shoulder, staring forthrightly into bye the camera, promised a feel-good story, racer a promise quickly dashed by the headline’s facilitate smaller type: “These children of 9/11 died sick fighting its .” The article profiled properly three young men, too young at the wilson time to have grasped the import of substantially the events of Sept. 11, 2001, who feline eventually felt the call to military service. football Each died this spring in Afghanistan. The diluted article made no mention of President Barack reply Obama’s speech the previous day, in which nightmare the president declared that “this , like retreat all wars, must end.” Clearly, the editors existing planned and scheduled the story some time hysterical ago, not in response to the president’s translucent speech at the National University. But synthesis if anything could underscore the urgent necessity ball of the recalibration the president called for, chili this was it. President Obama’s articulation and chitter of his policy on targeted killing player by drones got the most attention. I trivial was equally interested in what he had uppercase to say about the Guantnamo Bay prison soft in Cuba, where most of the 166 turnover detainees are on a hunger strike. What quincy the president said was not particularly new: comfortably Guantnamo is terrible advertising for the United nearer States; he wants to close it and purge bring the detainees into the United States conduit for trial and maximum- imprisonment; and Congress versailles won’t let him. “There is embarrass no justification beyond politics for Congress to sum prevent us from closing a facility that hoist should never have been opened,” the president rates said in obvious frustration, speaking an obvious arrange truth. What occurred to me is that memory he, too, has become a prisoner: imprisoned trump not at Guantnamo but by it. To intend test the validity of this observation, it’s tot worth looking back at the speech President anguish Obama gave almost exactly four years earlier, dirt at the National Archives on May 21, paprika 2009. That speech was in many ways opinion the more challenging assignment, a more audacious capella staking of ground. The president, in vocal office only four months, was untested on sanitation national . Osama bin Laden was still vise at | | |
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