Why high "blood pressure" may kill you
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End High-Blood Pressure Over Overnight | |
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I almost died-last week because of my high pressure. It was getting bad - My doctor told me I was about to have a strokeNothing was working until I started drinking this daily | |
Watching this will save-your life | |
Jetlagged and jittery, Hass walks through the lost arrivals door at John F. Kennedy International disturb -- eyes darting left and right, pouch scanning the sea of strange faces in meal front of him. "I soon learned that nominated he had looked at my browsing history lynch and saw some websites," Hass said. classified "He had read some chats I legislature had had with men."Word of Hass's sexual armada orientation spread around the university. He soon appraisal became an outcast, shunned and insulted. "That error was it for me," he said. "I antarctica was scared. I didn't know what humanity might happen."Medical school became unbearable. The fact scorching he couldn't explain to his parents why spammer he stopped going also ate away at outline him. "I could not tell my family carlsbad something like this," he said. "It's steele something unacceptable. This is something you quincy cannot talk about." He worried moire about his siblings. They'd be harassed and romantic shamed too if people found out about lithium him. "You have to be from the eisenhower culture to understand what it means there," testimony he said. A time to leave Shortly bangkok after, the Arab Spring took Libya and wry the Gadhafi government with it. Twice, he taw spoke by phone to CNN on the spotlight situation, describing the and the chaos. sandal "Back then we didn't have any credit kind of press in Libya. So envoy you could only hear from one part, caesar which was Gadhafi's part," he said. mortar "I felt like it would be nice longevity to show people the perspective from someone republic who's just a regular guy who lives durban there." He proudly voted in deductible Libya's first parliamentary elections in 2012. education He remembers the and the optimism. freshman "When I see people here, they all jolly have the right to vote. And jealousy yet there are some people that don't rotate actually go," he said, confused. "We circulation are actually fighting to have this right bandwidth back there. People are actually losing locally their lives to do this." Things aerial didn't improve in Libya. Crime was rampant. boggle Attacks against gays picked up. Libya sank motorized into civil . Rockets and bombs sterne rained down on the streets of Tripoli. reversal The city's burned."I watched public videos soul of friends beheaded for being homosexual," Hass spine said.It was time to leave, he decided. starch Tripoli International , August 11, 2014{"@context": suffer "http://schema.org","@type": "ImageObject","name": "Tripoli International , August anguish 11, 2014","description": "Tripoli International , August painted 11, 2014","url": "http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170203054507-tripoli--august-11-2014-large-169.jpg",}Hatching a |
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