| LinkedIn Network Updates, Sep 17 - Sep 24 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | The David Bowers #MUSIC: #TDB Presents "Roots of Rock'n'Roll" http://ht.ly/oJsOd w/ The Original Aritsts REPLAY #tdba #thedavid #oldies #doowop #oldies #mm | | | John D. Verlin A couple of thoughts. Most of the comments focus on either pretending you are something you are not and having confidence that will eventually come by hanging in and pushing your learning, etc. Or admitting that you limited in your experience, knowledge, etc. We have to be true to ourselves every night when we go to bed. If we have to pretend to be something we're not, that will eventually affect us psychologically. Most performers (Johnny Carson, Elvis Presley, etc) who we consider have "made" it we're actually terrified before going on stage. Be true to yourself, develop courage and be humble. Tenacity builds confidence and character. It's the insecure and fearful who have bloated egos. | | | Bayoe . Kebanyakan dari kita ketika memiliki modal untuk melakukan investasi maka yang sering diputuskan adalah memilih usaha kecil. Hal tersebut memang tidak ada salahnya walaupun bagi sebagian investor mengatakan bahwa pilihan tersebut memakan waktu lama. Setiap investasi mengandung faktor resiko yang nilainya sangat bervariasi tergantung dari banyak hal. Semakin besar nilai uang yang diinvestasikan maka semakin [...]Investasi Tidak Selamanya Selalu Indah Is Copyright By PermataBank.NET Review | | | | | |
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