| LinkedIn Network Updates, Feb 26 - Mar 5 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Frances Purrier Are you hungry/ are you thirsty for A word from the Lord? Well tune in tomorrow at 8 pm EST to The Power Of One Ministries Main Event , My guest will be Pastor(Prophetess) Paula Outlaw. she is an accurate Prophet, and is skilled with the word of God. She flows in the ministry of deliverance heavily. Tune in, she will pray for and with you, give words of knowledge, and will Prophesy, as the spirit of the LORD WILLS! I have had the honor to be in her presence and she has an authentic anointing. Do tune in tomorrow at 8 pm EST!!! http://ow.ly/i/1DbuM | | | Paula.jpg View and share this image from @francespurrier and hosted by... | | | | | Chris Slatton Maintaining Your Startup's Focus - Too many passions can derail you. Find one that sticks. http://ow.ly/2vhebl | | | Amanda Cute Rumah memiliki masa dimana ada waktunya untuk melakukan perbaikan hingga renovasi. Biasanya alasan untuk melakukan hal tersebut adalah menambah atau mengubah bangunan rumah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Penambahan atau perbaikan bagian-bagian bangunan rumah tentu membutuhkan biaya yang mahal yang dipengaruhi oleh harga-harga material bangunan di pasaran cenderung mengalami kenaikan. Guna mengantisipasi perbaikan rumah dengan menekan pengeluaran [...]Tips Perencanaan Renovasi Rumah Is Copyright By PermataBank.NET Review | | | Tips Perencanaan Renovasi Rumah Pengeluaran untuk perbaikan atau renovasi rumah biasanya membutuhkan dana banyak. Oleh akrena itu perlu perencanaan dan antisipasi pada anggaran keuangan. | | | | | | | |
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