| LinkedIn Network Updates, Nov 20 - Nov 27 | |  | | | Updates from Your Extended Network Connect with them to see what they're up to | | | | Chris Slatton How Not to Get Burned When a Partnership Goes Bad (Video) - Attorney Nina Kaufman on why a written agreement can be a critical asset for keeping partners accoun http://ow.ly/2tqYHn | | | John Verlin Normally, this time of year is a great time to buy a new car as dealers clear inventory for 2013 models. But--as January 1st approaches and the Fiscal Cliff--will that affect sales? Find out from my blog and how car dealers are preparing: http://lnkd.in/HGTpwN | | | Matthew Brower Check out Nick Wukoson's article. | | | Tax The Rich? By Nick Wukoson So what is fair? What does Barack Obama call fair? What is fair to the upper class? What is fair to the lower class? Is it even fair for a politi... | | | | | Mzz TLove http://lnkd.in/fGtix5 | | | Learning How To Live In A Box " BeLieving In Self " Today I”m reflecting back over events that have happened to me in the last 2 years! Today I realize that LIFE truly is for living, and each day we are blessed to see a new day gives us another opportunity to change or re-align some things. Today... | | | | | | | |
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